Full confession: I didn't read James Joyce's infamous Ulysses before going to Dublin. Instead, I listed to it on CD and watched the Bloom, relying on Sparknotes to interpret both. I am glad I did because I could not get past the first chapter and it was much easier to be passive than active about this book.
What is interesting to me is how Leopold Bloom's ordinary day, June 16, 1904, has spawned Bloomsday in Dublin. On Bloomsday, Joyce enthusiasts follow Bloom's footsteps for that day--they travel around the city visiting the places he visits and going where he goes. It's a good tour of the city itself AND how it has changed. Which is why I recommend listening to (or reading) Ulysses.
Ulysses walk. Ulysses walk with transportation notes. Downloads. There was even a Twitter performance.
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