Sunday, August 30, 2009

Bringing Baby Home: Caffeine

C is for Caffeine. Some books and lactation consultants will say that breastfeeding women should not drink caffeine because it could affect the baby, keeping him/her up. They also say it could cause the baby distress--as in gas.

It's not true (for me at least). Nothing I eat or drink or don't eat or drink changes the fact that my son has gas. Early on, I avoided caffeine. After a few days of getting up three times a night, I sucked down coffee like it was air. I also had my Diet Dr. Pepper. When my son seemed to be staying up all night and sleeping all day, I dropped my coffee again. He still kept that schedule. Coffee and black tea keep me going. While trying to conceive, I gave up coffee and switched to black tea. Now that my son is two months old, I've gone back to black tea, I've missed it.

I've tried all combinations of tea, coffee, neither tea nor coffee to see if he reacts differently. Nothing changes, so I will contiue to drink my morning tea. Caffeine was essential to me functioning during those first few weeks. And it still is essential.

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