Sunday, September 27, 2009

Bringing Baby Home: Sleep

S is for sleep. S is also for sheets. Usually, sleep is done on sheets. With a newborn in the house, parents should sleep anywhere they can sleep anytime they can sleep. Sofa, chairs, the floor, the car, anywhere.

Sleep is difficult--the first few nights at home I wouldn't sleep because I kept listening for noises. Then, I was so tired I slept through all my son's noises. Now that he is in his own room, I sometimes sleep through some noises on the monitor, then again, other nights, I have listened for every little sound. I feel like I can't win and every expert says not to try to develop sleep habits until a baby is four months old. One more month. I can do it. If there is enough coffee.

My baby needs his sleep too, it's important for infants to get enough sleep so their brain can develop and rejuvenate. Napping is important. I am happy to say that at 3 months we are starting to develop napping habits. A step in the right direction--toward sleeping parents.

One thing about sheets--in the first few days, nursing mothers should have extra sheets for their bed. They should be washed and ready to put on the bed at a moments notice. Spraying is not fun.

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