I never thought of myself as a big craft person, in fact, I think I like to dream about doing crafts more than I actually like to do them. I could spend hours thinking about what I might do, looking projects up online, and getting a button click away from purchasing project clicks. What stops me? Kowing how many uncompleted projects I already have hidden in the Christmas/craft/baby closet. My favorite crafts are related to Christmas and I feel silly doing those all year long.
I should also explain that I really only cross stitch during football season. In college I realized the multiple commercials drove me crazy and that I needed something to do while watching football games. So I took up cross stitching wanting to stitch a Buckingham Palace chart I'd picked up in London.
Somewhere I have an Anne of Green Gables bookmark, but I can't find it and don't want to dig in the baby's closet while he is napping (in his crib--a miracle!).
One way to really get to know an object or place is to cross stitch it (other ways are to read a book, embroider, needlepoint, paint, sculpt, or complete a jigsaw puzzle). So here is Green Gables, purchased at the actual Green Gables in Prince Edward Island in the summer of 2002.
Simple, easy stitching, reflective of the time period of the Anne of Green Gables books. I did run out of one green color and had to substitute with another. One of my favorite cross stitches. I've learned I have to stitch things that interest me, not others, or I give up. This means my stitching is selfish and rarely given away.
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